Thanks for your response.
No I have not done such. Are you confident that it should work using these?
To be hounest, I have no knowledge about how to handle them.
I want to exaplain a little bit more about my stuff.
Here are some pseudo lines from my application.
TreeView {
id: treeview
anchors.fill: parent
model: treemodel
style: TreeViewStyle {
branchDelegate: Rectangle {
//Only activated when a row is populated with children
width: 15; height: 15
Image {
source: styleData.isExpanded ? "images/minus.svg" : "images/16px/plus.svg"
onDoubleClicked: {
//Here is code which calls C++ to get data for children for a specific row (parent)
//If data was found, it is inserted as children into the model
TreeView {
id: treeview
anchors.fill: parent
model: treemodel
style: TreeViewStyle {
branchDelegate: Rectangle {
//Only activated when a row is populated with children
width: 15; height: 15
Image {
source: styleData.isExpanded ? "images/minus.svg" : "images/16px/plus.svg"
onDoubleClicked: {
//Here is code which calls C++ to get data for children for a specific row (parent)
//If data was found, it is inserted as children into the model
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
Only when data is inserted as children branchDelegate is activated and the row will have a +.
When you click on that + it turns to - and children are visible on several rows. Works very well.
But it seems to be impossible to accomplish what I am looking for:
At double click, if no data is found mark the row with a different color or similar, maybe a red * instead of - or +.
In this case branchDelegate is not activated and I am unable to change branch image.
And the other thing am I looking for a solution to, as earlier written, indicate loading of data, that is for example turn row color to purple during loading.
Also seems impossible to achieve.