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Thread: How to measure a distance between 2 points (meter) after loading an image ?

  1. #1
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    Exclamation How to measure a distance between 2 points (meter) after loading an image ?


    I'm working on a school project and I'm stuck !
    I have to load an ECG graph then measure the distances between two peaks. I succeeded on loading the image but I couldn't do the rest. I need to click on 2 peaks of the graph and the application should give me the distance in meter. Then I need to calculate the heart rate. Can anyone help me ? in here or on discord

    Thank u in advance.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How to measure a distance between 2 points (meter) after loading an image ?

    We don't usually do homework for people in this forum. I do not know what software you are using to display the graph, but most of the plotting widgets have the ability to transform the pixel coordinates of a mouse click into data coordinates. So you need to study the documentation for your widget to learn how to do that.

    the distance in meter
    If your plot is an ECG, then the x axis will be in seconds, not meters. So your distance between two peaks will be in seconds, and you can use simple math to turn that into heart rate (BPM).
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