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Thread: QWT plot with different colored backgrounds

  1. #1

    Default QWT plot with different colored backgrounds

    Hello, I'm hoping someone can help with plotting a linegraph with different backgrounds that represent phases of a plot. Please see the attached, is something like this possible with QWT? I can see how to change the overall background color, but not have phases with different colors. Note I will be plotting this realtime as well, and the phases will move and grow as they are progressed through, so I can't just make a bitmap for the background. They will also vary depending on configuration.
    Any help is greatly appreciated! Plotting.jpg

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QWT plot with different colored backgrounds

    Hi, you could try to generate a background bitmap on-the-fly, but I don't know how that would behave performance-wise. Maybe there's a nicer solution in Qwt, but I have no experience with that lib.


  3. #3

    Default Re: QWT plot with different colored backgrounds

    Thank you and I appreciate you looking at it and responding, but my phases grow and shrink, and need to be aligned with the data. I don't think the bitmap is a viable solution.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: QWT plot with different colored backgrounds

    Hi, this seems like it could be done with QwtPlotZoneItem.

  5. #5

    Default Re: QWT plot with different colored backgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by jhosek View Post
    Hi, this seems like it could be done with QwtPlotZoneItem.
    Thank you, I overlooked this in the documentation, I agree this seems like just what I want.

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