
With 2 os, win10/Qt5.15.2 or Mac/Qt5.15.0, if I create a QPropertyAnimation, and in the same time I use a QWebEngineView (and kill it or not), then animations become very slow.

If I embed the QWebEngineView in an external window (this new windows in front of the main window), then animations are fluid.
I prefer do not externalise QWebEngineView , this is not the right way.

sources (>Qt5.10): https://media.nperf.com/files/misc/s..._animation.zip
This problem seams solved on ubuntu20/Qt5.12 and ubuntu18/Qt5.9.2, but not in win10/Qt5.15.2 nor Mac/Qt5.15.0

Is there a way to avoid QWebEngineView externalization ? May be killing properly QWebEngineView?

Thanks for your help.