// Populating table:
// my main window class has a
CtlTabl _tr;
// window class init function has this hooking design time tr which is a QTableWidget
// column headers in a zz string
// * prefix means show an icon. _ prefix for edited column. ^ prefix means QComboBox edited > means right justified
_tr.Init (ui->tr,
">Ctrls\0", TrPop);
_tr.SetRowH (Up.txH - 4);
ui->tr->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
connect (ui
& QTableWidget::itemClicked,
& PCheetah
connect (ui
& QTableWidget::customContextMenuRequested,
this, & PCheetah::TrClkR);
connect (ui
& QTableWidget::itemChanged,
& PCheetah
// Then populated as:
char *rp [32];
_tr.Open ();
for (ubyte i = 0, tc = 0; i < Up.rTrk; i++) {
rp [0] = Up.trk [i].lrn; rp [1] = Up.trk [i].ez;
rp [2] = Up.trk [i].name; rp [3] = Up.trk [i].grp;
rp [4] = Up.trk [i].snd; rp [5] = Up.trk [i].dev;
rp [6] = CC(""); rp [7] = Up.trk [i].notes;
rp [8] = Up.trk [i].ctrls; rp [9] = nullptr;
_tr.Put (rp);
if (Cfg.ntCo == 2) { // color by track
if ((rp [0][0] == 'l') || (rp [1][0] == 'S'))
_tr.SetColor (i, CMap (tc++));
else {
switch (rp [1][0]) {
case 'L': tc = 0; break;
case 'R': tc = 1; break;
default: tc = 9;
if (tc < 2) _tr.SetColor (i, CTnt [tc]);
_tr.Shut (); _tr.HopTo (Up.eTrk, 0);
typedef void (*ppop)(char *ls, ubyt2 r, ubyte c);
class SIDlg: public QStyledItemDelegate {
char *_ed;
ppop _pop;
(QObject *par,
char *ed, ppop pop
~SIDlg () {}
public slots:
void cbChanged (int i);
class CtlTabl {
CtlTabl () {_t = nullptr; _nr = _tr = _ih = _tc = 0;}
~CtlTabl () {}
// hdr is zz string of labels
// >| prefix means right or center just
// _^ prefix means string or combo edit
void Init
(QTableWidget *t,
const char *hdr, ppop pop
= nullptr
void SetRowH (ubyt2 h);
ubyt2 ColW (ubyte c);
void SetColW (ubyte c, ubyt2 w);
ubyt2 NRow ();
ubyte NCol ();
ubyt2 CurRow ();
ubyte CurCol ();
char *Get (ubyt2 r, ubyte c);
void Set (ubyt2 r, ubyte c, char *s);
void HopTo (ubyt2 r, ubyte c);
void SetColor
(ubyt2 r,
QColor c
void Open ();
void Put (char **rp);
void Shut ();
char _ju [40];
char _ed [40];
ubyt2 _nr, _tr, _ih;
ubyte _tc;
::SIDlg (QObject *par,
char *ed, ppop pop
): QStyledItemDelegate (par)
{ _ed = ed; _pop = pop; }
{ if (! opt.icon.isNull ())
{p->save (); opt.icon.paint (p, opt.rect);
p->restore ();}
else QStyledItemDelegate::paint (p, opt, ind);
void SIDlg::cbChanged (int i)
{ QComboBox *cb
= qobject_cast<QComboBox
(void)i; emit commitData (cb); emit closeEditor (cb);
{ BStr bs;
char *s;
if (_ed [ind.column ()] == '^') {
_pop (bs, ind.row (), ind.column ());
if (*bs == 0) return nullptr;
for (s = bs; *s; s = & s [StrLn (s)+1])
cb->addItem (StrCm (s, CC("-")) ? s : "");
return cb;
return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor (par, opt, ind);
{ QComboBox *cb
= qobject_cast<QComboBox
if (cb) {
int i = cb->findText (ind.data (Qt::EditRole).toString ());
if (i < 0) i = 0;
cb->setCurrentIndex (i); cb->showPopup ();
connect (cb,
& QComboBox::currentIndexChanged,
this, & SIDlg::cbChanged);
else QStyledItemDelegate::setEditorData (ed, ind);
{ QComboBox *cb
= qobject_cast<QComboBox
if (cb) mod->setData (ind, cb->currentText (), Qt::EditRole);
else QStyledItemDelegate::setModelData (ed, mod, ind);
void CtlTabl
::Init (QTableWidget *t,
const char *hdr, ppop pop
) // hdr is zz string of labels
// * prefix means icon
// >| prefix means right or center just
// _^ prefix means string or combo edit
{ ubyte c;
char *h;
char ed = '\0'; // _ means editing, ^ means QComboBox so delegate too
_t = t;
for (c = 0, h = CC(hdr); *h; c++, h = & h [StrLn (h)+1]) {
_ju [c] = _ed [c] = '\0';
if ((*h == '*') || (*h == '>') || (*h== '|')) _ju [c] = *h++;
if (*h == '_') {_ed [c] = *h++; if (ed != '^') ed = '_';}
if (*h == '^') _ed [c] = ed = *h++;
_t->horizontalHeader ()->setSectionResizeMode (
_t->setColumnCount (c); _t->setHorizontalHeaderLabels (sl);
_t->verticalHeader ()->hide ();
_t->setAlternatingRowColors (false);
if (ed == '^') _t->setItemDelegate (new SIDlg (_t, _ed, pop));
/* _t->horizontalHeader ()->setSectionResizeMode (2, QHeaderView::Fixed)
** _t->horizontalHeader ()->setStretchLastSection (true);
** _t->horizontalHeader ()->setHighlightSections (false);
** _t->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectItems/Rows);
** _t->setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
** _t->setGridShow (false);
void CtlTabl::SetRowH (ubyt2 h)
{ _t->verticalHeader ()->setDefaultSectionSize (h);
(QSize (h, h
_ih = h;
ubyt2 CtlTabl::ColW (ubyte c) {return _t->columnWidth (c);}
void CtlTabl::SetColW (ubyte c, ubyt2 w)
{ _t
_t->setColumnWidth (c, w);
ubyt2 CtlTabl::NRow () {return _t->rowCount ();}
ubyte CtlTabl::NCol () {return _t->columnCount ();}
ubyt2 CtlTabl::CurRow () {return _t->currentRow ();}
ubyte CtlTabl::CurCol () {return _t->currentColumn ();}
char *CtlTabl::Get (ubyt2 r, ubyte c) {return UnQS (_t->item (r, c)->text ());}
// clip cuz too many chars to post
void CtlTabl::Open ()
{ _tr = CurRow (); _tc = CurCol ();
_t->hide (); _t->blockSignals (true);
_t->clearContents (); _t->setRowCount (0);
_nr = 0;
void CtlTabl::Put (char **rp)
{ ubyte c;
TStr ico;
_t->setRowCount (_nr+1);
for (c = 0; *rp; c++, rp++) {
if (! (it = _t->item (_nr, c)))
if (_ed [c]) it->setFlags (it->flags () | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
else it->setFlags (it->flags () & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
if (_ju [c] == '*') {
if (**rp) {
if (**rp == '*') it->setText (++(*rp));
else if (**rp
) it
(QIcon (StrFmt
":/tico/`s", *rp)));
else it
(QIcon ());
else {
if (_ju [c] == '>') it->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignRight);
if (_ju [c] == '|') it->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter);
it->setText (*rp);
void CtlTabl::Shut ()
{ _t->show (); _t->blockSignals (false); HopTo (_tr, _tc); }
// Populating table:
// my main window class has a
CtlTabl _tr;
// window class init function has this hooking design time tr which is a QTableWidget
// column headers in a zz string
// * prefix means show an icon. _ prefix for edited column. ^ prefix means QComboBox edited > means right justified
_tr.Init (ui->tr,
">Ctrls\0", TrPop);
_tr.SetRowH (Up.txH - 4);
ui->tr->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
connect (ui->tr, & QTableWidget::itemClicked, this, & PCheetah::TrClk);
connect (ui->tr, & QTableWidget::customContextMenuRequested,
this, & PCheetah::TrClkR);
connect (ui->tr, & QTableWidget::itemChanged, this, & PCheetah::TrUpd);
// Then populated as:
char *rp [32];
_tr.Open ();
for (ubyte i = 0, tc = 0; i < Up.rTrk; i++) {
rp [0] = Up.trk [i].lrn; rp [1] = Up.trk [i].ez;
rp [2] = Up.trk [i].name; rp [3] = Up.trk [i].grp;
rp [4] = Up.trk [i].snd; rp [5] = Up.trk [i].dev;
rp [6] = CC(""); rp [7] = Up.trk [i].notes;
rp [8] = Up.trk [i].ctrls; rp [9] = nullptr;
_tr.Put (rp);
if (Cfg.ntCo == 2) { // color by track
if ((rp [0][0] == 'l') || (rp [1][0] == 'S'))
_tr.SetColor (i, CMap (tc++));
else {
switch (rp [1][0]) {
case 'L': tc = 0; break;
case 'R': tc = 1; break;
default: tc = 9;
if (tc < 2) _tr.SetColor (i, CTnt [tc]);
_tr.Shut (); _tr.HopTo (Up.eTrk, 0);
typedef void (*ppop)(char *ls, ubyt2 r, ubyte c);
class SIDlg: public QStyledItemDelegate {
char *_ed;
ppop _pop;
QTableWidget *_tbl;
SIDlg (QObject *par, char *ed, ppop pop);
~SIDlg () {}
void paint (QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt,
const QModelIndex &ind) const override;
QWidget *createEditor (QWidget *tb, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt,
const QModelIndex &ind) const override;
void setEditorData (QWidget *ed, const QModelIndex &ind) const override;
void setModelData (QWidget *ed, QAbstractItemModel *mod,
const QModelIndex &ind) const override;
public slots:
void cbChanged (int i);
class CtlTabl {
CtlTabl () {_t = nullptr; _nr = _tr = _ih = _tc = 0;}
~CtlTabl () {}
// hdr is zz string of labels
// >| prefix means right or center just
// _^ prefix means string or combo edit
void Init (QTableWidget *t, const char *hdr, ppop pop = nullptr);
void SetRowH (ubyt2 h);
ubyt2 ColW (ubyte c);
void SetColW (ubyte c, ubyt2 w);
ubyt2 NRow ();
ubyte NCol ();
ubyt2 CurRow ();
ubyte CurCol ();
char *Get (ubyt2 r, ubyte c);
void Set (ubyt2 r, ubyte c, char *s);
void HopTo (ubyt2 r, ubyte c);
void SetColor (ubyt2 r, QColor c);
void Open ();
void Put (char **rp);
void Shut ();
QTableWidget *_t;
char _ju [40];
char _ed [40];
ubyt2 _nr, _tr, _ih;
ubyte _tc;
SIDlg::SIDlg (QObject *par, char *ed, ppop pop)
: QStyledItemDelegate (par)
{ _ed = ed; _pop = pop; }
void SIDlg::paint (QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt,
const QModelIndex &ind) const
{ if (! opt.icon.isNull ())
{p->save (); opt.icon.paint (p, opt.rect);
p->restore ();}
else QStyledItemDelegate::paint (p, opt, ind);
void SIDlg::cbChanged (int i)
{ QComboBox *cb = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>(sender ());
(void)i; emit commitData (cb); emit closeEditor (cb);
QWidget *SIDlg::createEditor (QWidget *par, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt,
const QModelIndex &ind) const
{ BStr bs;
char *s;
if (_ed [ind.column ()] == '^') {
_pop (bs, ind.row (), ind.column ());
if (*bs == 0) return nullptr;
QComboBox *cb = new QComboBox (par);
for (s = bs; *s; s = & s [StrLn (s)+1])
cb->addItem (StrCm (s, CC("-")) ? s : "");
return cb;
return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor (par, opt, ind);
void SIDlg::setEditorData (QWidget *ed, const QModelIndex &ind) const
{ QComboBox *cb = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>(ed);
if (cb) {
int i = cb->findText (ind.data (Qt::EditRole).toString ());
if (i < 0) i = 0;
cb->setCurrentIndex (i); cb->showPopup ();
connect (cb, & QComboBox::currentIndexChanged,
this, & SIDlg::cbChanged);
else QStyledItemDelegate::setEditorData (ed, ind);
void SIDlg::setModelData (QWidget *ed, QAbstractItemModel *mod,
const QModelIndex &ind) const
{ QComboBox *cb = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>(ed);
if (cb) mod->setData (ind, cb->currentText (), Qt::EditRole);
else QStyledItemDelegate::setModelData (ed, mod, ind);
void CtlTabl::Init (QTableWidget *t, const char *hdr, ppop pop)
// hdr is zz string of labels
// * prefix means icon
// >| prefix means right or center just
// _^ prefix means string or combo edit
{ ubyte c;
char *h;
char ed = '\0'; // _ means editing, ^ means QComboBox so delegate too
QStringList sl;
_t = t;
for (c = 0, h = CC(hdr); *h; c++, h = & h [StrLn (h)+1]) {
_ju [c] = _ed [c] = '\0';
if ((*h == '*') || (*h == '>') || (*h== '|')) _ju [c] = *h++;
if (*h == '_') {_ed [c] = *h++; if (ed != '^') ed = '_';}
if (*h == '^') _ed [c] = ed = *h++;
sl << QString::fromStdString (h);
_t->horizontalHeader ()->setSectionResizeMode (
_t->setColumnCount (c); _t->setHorizontalHeaderLabels (sl);
_t->verticalHeader ()->hide ();
_t->setAlternatingRowColors (false);
if (ed == '^') _t->setItemDelegate (new SIDlg (_t, _ed, pop));
_t->setEditTriggers (ed ? QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers
: QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers);
_t->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
/* _t->horizontalHeader ()->setSectionResizeMode (2, QHeaderView::Fixed)
** _t->horizontalHeader ()->setStretchLastSection (true);
** _t->horizontalHeader ()->setHighlightSections (false);
** _t->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectItems/Rows);
** _t->setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
** _t->setGridShow (false);
void CtlTabl::SetRowH (ubyt2 h)
{ _t->verticalHeader ()->setDefaultSectionSize (h);
_t->setIconSize (QSize (h, h));
_ih = h;
ubyt2 CtlTabl::ColW (ubyte c) {return _t->columnWidth (c);}
void CtlTabl::SetColW (ubyte c, ubyt2 w)
{ _t->horizontalHeader ()->setSectionResizeMode (c, QHeaderView::Fixed);
_t->setColumnWidth (c, w);
ubyt2 CtlTabl::NRow () {return _t->rowCount ();}
ubyte CtlTabl::NCol () {return _t->columnCount ();}
ubyt2 CtlTabl::CurRow () {return _t->currentRow ();}
ubyte CtlTabl::CurCol () {return _t->currentColumn ();}
char *CtlTabl::Get (ubyt2 r, ubyte c) {return UnQS (_t->item (r, c)->text ());}
// clip cuz too many chars to post
void CtlTabl::Open ()
{ _tr = CurRow (); _tc = CurCol ();
_t->hide (); _t->blockSignals (true);
_t->clearContents (); _t->setRowCount (0);
_nr = 0;
void CtlTabl::Put (char **rp)
{ ubyte c;
TStr ico;
QTableWidgetItem *it;
_t->setRowCount (_nr+1);
for (c = 0; *rp; c++, rp++) {
if (! (it = _t->item (_nr, c)))
_t->setItem (_nr, c, it = new QTableWidgetItem);
if (_ed [c]) it->setFlags (it->flags () | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
else it->setFlags (it->flags () & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
if (_ju [c] == '*') {
if (**rp) {
if (**rp == '*') it->setText (++(*rp));
else if (**rp) it->setIcon (QIcon (StrFmt (ico,
":/tico/`s", *rp)));
else it->setIcon (QIcon ());
else {
if (_ju [c] == '>') it->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignRight);
if (_ju [c] == '|') it->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter);
it->setText (*rp);
void CtlTabl::Shut ()
{ _t->show (); _t->blockSignals (false); HopTo (_tr, _tc); }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode