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Thread: How to access individual tab in a QTabWidget/QTabBar using index?

  1. #1
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    Default How to access individual tab in a QTabWidget/QTabBar using index?

    Hello Friends,

    I'm new to Qt development. I'm trying to access an individual tab from a QTabBar of the parent QTabWidget and I want to set a unique Object name to each tab for automation purpose using Squish tool.

    I'm able add 'N' number of tabs to the QTabWidget using addTab(), but after adding I'm not able to access individual tab from the list of added tabs. I'm trying accessing the tabs using index like below. I tried with 5 different methods, but none of them giving expected output.

    I have attached the snapshot of my QtabWidget prototype with this thread.

    In my header file,
    Qt Code:
    1. class TabWidget : public QTabWidget
    2. {
    3. public:
    4. TabWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
    5. };
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    In my CPP file,

    Qt Code:
    1. constexpr int MAX_COUNT = 10;
    3. class TabWidget* parentTab_;
    4. class QDockWidget* docWidgets_[MAX_COUNT];
    6. parentTab_ = new (std::nothrow) TabWidget(this);
    7. parentTab_->setStyleSheet("QTabBar::tab {color: rgb(43, 50, 143);font-weight: bold; font-size: 12}");
    8. parentTab_->setTabsClosable(false);
    10. for(int docketIndex = 0; docketIndex < MAX_COUNT ; docketIndex++)
    11. {
    12. docWidgets_[docketIndex] = new (std::nothrow) QDockWidget(parentTab_); // Creating DockWidgets
    13. }
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    Qt Code:
    1. // Setting Object Name for the docWidgets_ (Setting object name by widget level)
    2. docWidgets_[docketIndex]->setObjectName("Tab_" + QString::number(docketIndex+1) + "_Control");
    3. // The objectName string will be like "Tab_1_Control", "Tab_2_Control" ..... "Tab_10_Control"
    4. // This code compiles fine but not setting any objectName, means Squish tool is not able to detect the objects. The objects are detected as "unNamed" in Squish.
    7. QTabBar* tabBar_ = parentTab_->tabBar();
    8. for(int tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < MAX_COUNT; tabIndex++)
    9. {
    10. parentTab_->addTab(docWidgets_[tabIndex], "#" + QString::number(tabIndex + 1)); // Adding tab and adding the DockWidgets to the tab.
    11. parentTab_->setIconSize(QSize(60,45));
    12. parentTab_->setTabIcon(tabIndex, QIcon(NO_ICON));
    13. tabBar_->tabButton(tabIndex, QTabBar::RightSide)->deleteLater();
    14. tabBar_->setTabButton(tabIndex, QTabBar::RightSide, 0);
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    Qt Code:
    1. //Trying to set objectName for each tabs of QTabBar using index (Setting object name by tab level)
    2. tabBar_[tabIndex].setObjectName("Tab_" + QString::number(docketIndex+1) + "_Control");
    3. // This code compiles fine, but gives SEGMENTATION FAULT error.
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    Qt Code:
    1. //Trying to set objectName for each tabs of QTabBar without using index (Setting object name by tab level)
    2. tabBar_->setObjectName("Tab_" + QString::number(docketIndex+1) + "_Control");
    3. // This code is sets the object name, but sets the same object name "Tab_10_Control" for all tabs. Because the last updated value of tabIndex is 9, so tabIndex+1 = 10.
    4. // So it sets the string as "Tab_10_Control". But I'm expecting the objectName string should be like "Tab_1_Control", "Tab_2_Control" ..... "Tab_10_Control"
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    Qt Code:
    1. //Trying to set objectName for each tabs through the parentTab_ (QTabWidget) using index (Setting object name by tab level)
    2. parentTab_[tabIndex].setObjectName("Tab_" + QString::number(docketIndex+1) + "_Control");
    3. // This code compiles fine, but gives SEGMENTATION FAULT error.
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    Qt Code:
    1. //Trying to set objectName for each tabs through the parentTab_ (QTabWidget) using the widget() API (Setting object name by tab level)
    2. parentTab_->widget(tabIndex)->setObjectName("Tab_" + QString::number(tabIndex+1) + "_Control");
    3. // This code compiles fine, but not setting the objectName.
    5. cout<<"tabBar_ current index : " << tabBar_->currentIndex()); // This always prints 0.
    6. cout<<"parentTab_ current index : " << parentTab_->currentIndex()); // This always prints 0.
    7. cout<<"Tabs count in tabBar_ : " << tabBar_->count()); // This prints the tab count correctly as 10
    8. cout<<"Tabs count in parentTab_ : " << parentTab_->currentIndex()); // This prints the tab count correctly as 10
    9. }
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    METHOD-1 and METHOD-5 compiles fine but not setting any objectName. Squish tool is not detecting the objects.
    METHOD-2 and METHOD-4 compiling fine but gives SEGMENTATION FAULT error
    METHOD-3 sets the object name for all tabs, but not unique.

    Looks like, it tabs are added correctly, but couldn't iterate on each tabs using the index positions.
    METHOD-3 works partially fine, but not setting unique object name based on tab index.
    Can someone help me on this? My requirement is, I need to set unique object name for individual tabs in the tabBar.

    Moderator note: Approved and moved out of Moderator queue. Edited to replace HTML tags with CODE tags.
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    Last edited by d_stranz; 31st May 2022 at 17:30. Reason: missing [code] tags

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to access individual tab in a QTabWidget/QTabBar using index?

    Qt Code:
    1. tabBar_[tabIndex].setObjectName("Tab_" + QString::number(docketIndex+1) + "_Control");
    2. // This code compiles fine, but gives SEGMENTATION FAULT error.
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    I don't see how this code compiles. QTabBar does not have an operator[](int) method, and even if it did, it would return a pointer to some QWidget class which would be dereferenced using the "->" operator, not ".".

    In any case, the individual tabs on a QTabBar are not widgets, so you cannot set an object name for them. If you need to set some unique identifier for them (other than the name that is displayed on the tab), then you could try using the QTabBar::setTabData() method, using the tab index and a QString as the QVariant data to be set.

    Note that the QTabBar::tabButton() method does not return a QWidget representing the tab; it is a QWidget that the program places there using a call to QTabBar::setTabButton() and is a functional decoration in addition to the tab label and icon. The QTabBar simply manages and draws this widget.
    <=== The Great Pumpkin says ===>
    Please use CODE tags when posting source code so it is more readable. Click "Go Advanced" and then the "#" icon to insert the tags. Paste your code between them.

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