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Thread: QSqlDatabase database seems not to stay open

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Qt products

    Default QSqlDatabase database seems not to stay open


    i have a QT application with QSqlDatabase . This is what i do :

    in cmasterlist.h i have a class with m_db member
    Qt Code:
    1. class CMasterList : public QObject
    2. {
    3. private:
    4. public:
    5. void memberfunction ();
    6. }
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    in cmasterlist.c i have a memberfunction
    Qt Code:
    1. void CMasterList::memberfunction ()
    2. {
    3. if(!m_db.isOpen())return;
    4. ...
    5. }
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    in main.h i have a class where i create a CMasterList member. Main.h and Main.c is the main class for my ui application which means the destructor is only called when i close the application.
    Qt Code:
    1. class Cmain : public QMainWindow
    2. {
    3. private:
    4. CMasterList m_MasterList;
    5. }
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    in the construtor of Cmain i first open the db m_db .

    the problem that i have :
    when i call m_MasterList.memberfunction in the constructor the database is open and memberfunction can run normally, but when i call m_MasterList.memberfunction in a memberfunction of Cmain, then m_db.isOpen() returns false?

    I have put a breakpoint at m_db.close(); wich confirms that the close function is only called when i close the application.

    I have no idea why the database closes before i close the ui?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QSqlDatabase database seems not to stay open

    I have no idea why the database closes before i close the ui?
    Without the code that actually shows what you are doing, it is impossible to tell what is wrong.

    Are you sure your have not "shadowed" m_db by declaring another local variable of that name in your constructor that hides (shadows) the member variable declared in the class? (Or likewise, the same for m_MasterList?) That is one thing that could cause such behavior.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Re: QSqlDatabase database seems not to stay open

    Hard to tell without much information.

    But my first impression is you are accessing the m_db from different QThread.

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