I have an application environment that has up to three, vnc servers running. It runs on a "headless" machine, i.e, there are no physical displays connected, only vnc connections.
Each Xtightvnc (or Xtigervnc) server provides access to an rpi's "desktop" on a different port. Vnc clients can connect to 5900, 5901, or 5902, depending on which desktop they want to view.
I'd like to update my Qt5 application so that some widgets are sent to the 5900 server, others to 5901, etc.
I've done some research to figure out how to pick which screen a widget targets, but those start with QApplication::screens and the desired screen selected using something like:
Qt Code:
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
But, does QApplication know about virtual displays, i.e. a connected VNC server?
Is it possible for a single Qt application to show Widgets on different virtual display?