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Thread: HELP - I'm currently using JDK 1.8, QT 5.15.2, Gradle 3.6.4, and Android API 33

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation HELP - I'm currently using JDK 1.8, QT 5.15.2, Gradle 3.6.4, and Android API 33


    The current issue I'm stuck with is as shown in the following screenshot. Actually, there were no issues when building for lower versions of the Android OS before. This problem has arisen when building for the latest version of the Android OS. So, I suspect it's a compatibility issue between QT, JDK, Gradle, and the Android OS version.

    I'm currently using JDK 1.8, QT 5.15.2, Gradle 3.6.4, and Android API 33. Right now, I'm trying to upgrade the Gradle version first to be compatible with Android API 33. Then, I assume that upgrading the Gradle version will require upgrading the QT version as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2024
    Qt products

    Default Re: HELP - I'm currently using JDK 1.8, QT 5.15.2, Gradle 3.6.4, and Android API 33

    Hey, I'm on Android API 33 and I think I have the same problem as you. I suspect this is due to a bug in the latest version. I almost gave up because I couldn't find a way to fix it. cluster rush

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