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Thread: What is the MIME type for a QtCreator project file .pro on KDE desktop?

  1. #1
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    Default What is the MIME type for a QtCreator project file .pro on KDE desktop?


    I am trying to fix this annoying association of file to KICAD application when I don't even have KICAD installed.

    So I looked into the list of MIME types but I can't find any
    that is made for QtCreator.

    All I want is to associate the qmake based .pro files to QtCreator so when I double click on the project file on Dolphin, it launches a new instance of QtCreator and loads the project I selected.

    Any ideas who to do this?
    My desktop is KDE.


  2. #2

    Default Re: What is the MIME type for a QtCreator project file .pro on KDE desktop?

    Right click on the .pro file. Then select "Open With". There select "other application". Then select the Qt Creator, set the "always" flag and open it.

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