Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlData::wasDeleted(const QObjectPrivate * priv) Line 303 C++
::wasDeleted(const QObject * object
) Line
317 C
++ Qt6Qmld.
::ExecutionEngine * engine,
QObject * object
) Line
232 C
++ Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInParentContextHierarchy(QV4::Lookup * l, QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, QV4::Value * base) Line 756 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::Runtime::LoadQmlContextPropertyLookup::call(QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, unsigned int index) Line 1123 C++
[External Code]
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::Moth::VME::exec(QV4::JSTypesStackFrame * frame, QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine) Line 552 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::doCall(QV4::Function * self, const QV4::Value * thisObject, const QV4::Value * argv, int argc, QV4::ExecutionContext * context) Line 54 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::Function::call(const QV4::Value * thisObject, const QV4::Value * argv, int argc, QV4::ExecutionContext * context) Line 80 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(QV4::CallData * callData, bool * isUndefined) Line 238 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::evaluate(bool * isUndefined) Line 188 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::doUpdate(const QQmlJavaScriptExpression::DeleteWatcher & watcher, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags, QV4::Scope & scope) Line 698 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::update(QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 166 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::expressionChanged() Line 604 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlJavaScriptExpressionGuard_callback(QQmlNotifierEndpoint * e, void * * __formal) Line 549 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlNotifier::emitNotify(QQmlNotifierEndpoint * endpoint, void * * a) Line 71 C++
* __formal,
QObject * object,
int index,
void * * a
) Line
359 C
++ Qt6Cored.
(QObject * sender,
int signal_index,
void * * argv
) Line
3888 C
++ Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainer::currentIndexChanged() Line 566 C++
Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainer::setCurrentIndex(int index) Line 669 C++
Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainerPrivate::removeItem(int index, QQuickItem * item) Line 268 C++
Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainerPrivate::itemParentChanged(QQuickItem * item, QQuickItem * parent) Line 327 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickItemPrivate::notifyChangeListeners<void (__cdecl QQuickItemChangeListener::*)(QQuickItem *,QQuickItem *),QQuickItem * const &,QQuickItem * const &>(QFlags<enum QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeType> changeTypes, void(QQuickItemChangeListener::*)(QQuickItem *, QQuickItem *) && function, QQuickItem * const & <args_0>, QQuickItem * const & <args_1>) Line 347 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickItemPrivate::itemChange(QQuickItem::ItemChange change, const QQuickItem::ItemChangeData & data) Line 6767 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickItem::setParentItem(QQuickItem * parentItem) Line 2760 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickRepeater::modelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet & changeSet, bool reset) Line 459 C++
::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o,
QMetaObject::Call _c,
int _id,
void * * _a
) Line
277 C
++ Qt6Quickd.
::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c,
int _id,
void * * _a
) Line
388 C
++ Qt6Cored.
(QObject * sender,
int signal_index,
void * * argv
) Line
4021 C
++ Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlInstanceModel::modelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet & _t1, bool _t2) Line 349 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModelPrivate::emitModelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet & changeSet, bool reset) Line 1790 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModelGroupPrivate::emitModelUpdated(bool reset) Line 2785 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModelPrivate::emitChanges() Line 1834 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModel::_q_itemsRemoved(int index, int count) Line 1724 C++
(const QModelIndex & parent,
int begin,
int end
) Line
1927 C
++ Qt6QmlModelsd.
::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o,
QMetaObject::Call _c,
int _id,
void * * _a
) Line
484 C
++ Qt6QmlModelsd.
::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c,
int _id,
void * * _a
) Line
613 C
++ Qt6Cored.
(QObject * sender,
int signal_index,
void * * argv
) Line
4021 C
++ Qt6Cored.
& source_to_proxy, QList<int>
& proxy_to_source,
int proxy_start,
int proxy_end,
const QModelIndex & proxy_parent, Qt
::Orientation orient,
bool emit_signal
) Line
803 C
++ Qt6Cored.
& source_to_proxy, QList<int>
& proxy_to_source,
const QList<int>
& source_items,
const QModelIndex & source_parent, Qt
::Orientation orient,
bool emit_signal
) Line
772 C
++ Qt6Cored.
(const QModelIndex & source_top_left,
const QModelIndex & source_bottom_right,
const QList<int>
& roles
) Line
1467 C
++ Qt6Cored.
(QObject * sender,
int signal_index,
void * * argv
) Line
4007 C
++ app.
::setData(const QModelIndex & index,
const QVariant & value,
int role
) Line
56 C
++ app.
::setData(const QModelIndex & index,
const QVariant & value,
int role
) Line
130 C
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlData::wasDeleted(const QObjectPrivate * priv) Line 303 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlData::wasDeleted(const QObject * object) Line 317 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, QObject * object) Line 232 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::QQmlContextWrapper::lookupInParentContextHierarchy(QV4::Lookup * l, QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, QV4::Value * base) Line 756 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::Runtime::LoadQmlContextPropertyLookup::call(QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, unsigned int index) Line 1123 C++
[External Code]
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::Moth::VME::exec(QV4::JSTypesStackFrame * frame, QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine) Line 552 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::doCall(QV4::Function * self, const QV4::Value * thisObject, const QV4::Value * argv, int argc, QV4::ExecutionContext * context) Line 54 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QV4::Function::call(const QV4::Value * thisObject, const QV4::Value * argv, int argc, QV4::ExecutionContext * context) Line 80 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(QV4::CallData * callData, bool * isUndefined) Line 238 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::evaluate(bool * isUndefined) Line 188 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::doUpdate(const QQmlJavaScriptExpression::DeleteWatcher & watcher, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags, QV4::Scope & scope) Line 698 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::update(QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 166 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlBinding::expressionChanged() Line 604 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlJavaScriptExpressionGuard_callback(QQmlNotifierEndpoint * e, void * * __formal) Line 549 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlNotifier::emitNotify(QQmlNotifierEndpoint * endpoint, void * * a) Line 71 C++
Qt6Qmld.dll!QQmlData::signalEmitted(QAbstractDeclarativeData * __formal, QObject * object, int index, void * * a) Line 359 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!doActivate<0>(QObject * sender, int signal_index, void * * argv) Line 3888 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QMetaObject::activate(QObject * sender, const QMetaObject * m, int local_signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4053 C++
Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainer::currentIndexChanged() Line 566 C++
Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainer::setCurrentIndex(int index) Line 669 C++
Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainerPrivate::removeItem(int index, QQuickItem * item) Line 268 C++
Qt6QuickTemplates2d.dll!QQuickContainerPrivate::itemParentChanged(QQuickItem * item, QQuickItem * parent) Line 327 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickItemPrivate::notifyChangeListeners<void (__cdecl QQuickItemChangeListener::*)(QQuickItem *,QQuickItem *),QQuickItem * const &,QQuickItem * const &>(QFlags<enum QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeType> changeTypes, void(QQuickItemChangeListener::*)(QQuickItem *, QQuickItem *) && function, QQuickItem * const & <args_0>, QQuickItem * const & <args_1>) Line 347 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickItemPrivate::itemChange(QQuickItem::ItemChange change, const QQuickItem::ItemChangeData & data) Line 6767 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickItem::setParentItem(QQuickItem * parentItem) Line 2760 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickRepeater::modelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet & changeSet, bool reset) Line 459 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickRepeater::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 277 C++
Qt6Quickd.dll!QQuickRepeater::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 388 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QMetaObject::metacall(QObject * object, QMetaObject::Call cl, int idx, void * * argv) Line 330 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!doActivate<0>(QObject * sender, int signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4021 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QMetaObject::activate(QObject * sender, const QMetaObject * m, int local_signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4053 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlInstanceModel::modelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet & _t1, bool _t2) Line 349 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModelPrivate::emitModelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet & changeSet, bool reset) Line 1790 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModelGroupPrivate::emitModelUpdated(bool reset) Line 2785 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModelPrivate::emitChanges() Line 1834 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModel::_q_itemsRemoved(int index, int count) Line 1724 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModel::_q_rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex & parent, int begin, int end) Line 1927 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModel::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 484 C++
Qt6QmlModelsd.dll!QQmlDelegateModel::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 613 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QMetaObject::metacall(QObject * object, QMetaObject::Call cl, int idx, void * * argv) Line 330 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!doActivate<0>(QObject * sender, int signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4021 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QMetaObject::activate(QObject * sender, const QMetaObject * m, int local_signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4053 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex & _t1, int _t2, int _t3, QAbstractItemModel::QPrivateSignal _t4) Line 1367 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows() Line 2952 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QSortFilterProxyModelPrivate::remove_proxy_interval(QList<int> & source_to_proxy, QList<int> & proxy_to_source, int proxy_start, int proxy_end, const QModelIndex & proxy_parent, Qt::Orientation orient, bool emit_signal) Line 803 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QSortFilterProxyModelPrivate::remove_source_items(QList<int> & source_to_proxy, QList<int> & proxy_to_source, const QList<int> & source_items, const QModelIndex & source_parent, Qt::Orientation orient, bool emit_signal) Line 772 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QSortFilterProxyModelPrivate::_q_sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex & source_top_left, const QModelIndex & source_bottom_right, const QList<int> & roles) Line 1467 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QSortFilterProxyModel::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 584 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!doActivate<0>(QObject * sender, int signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4007 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QMetaObject::activate(QObject * sender, const QMetaObject * m, int local_signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4053 C++
Qt6Cored.dll!QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged(const QModelIndex & _t1, const QModelIndex & _t2, const QList<int> & _t3) Line 1318 C++
app.exe!FeatureModel::setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role) Line 56 C++
app.exe!FeatureModelFilter::setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role) Line 130 C++
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