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Thread: Qt-Creatro: keyword "constexpr" not accessible via F1 in cppreference

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Leverkusen, Germany
    Qt products

    Default Qt-Creatro: keyword "constexpr" not accessible via F1 in cppreference

    Hi everyone,
    I use Qt Creator 13.0.0. and have included the file cppreference-doc-en-cpp.qch. So if I put the cursor on a keyword (e.g. const) in the editor and press F1, the corresponding information from cppreference-doc-en-cpp.qch appears. If I use constexpr instead and do the same thing, Qt Creator tells me that there is no documentation for it. That is of course wrong, because if I open cppreference-doc-en-cpp.qch (without F1), the keyword constexpr can be found there with the corresponding information.
    Questions: Is this a (known?) bug? Is there a solution?
    Thanks for answers

  2. #2

    Default Re: Qt-Creatro: keyword "constexpr" not accessible via F1 in cppreference

    Go to Tools > Options > Help > Documentation and check that the cppreference-doc-en-cpp.qch file is added and enabled. Raft Wars

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