Hello !

I've a simple application that needs to launch Mozilla Firefox : that's OK.
The matter is that this application is called by Windows when the computer user clic on a mailto link : my application is the one defined in the system registry to be launched as default mail client.

So, when I'm clicking a mailto link on my favorite navigator (Mozilla Firefox), my application is launched and try to run Firefox (to set-up data in our Webmail message compose page). Like Firefox is already running, it should open a new tab for the Webmail... But not.

As said before, it's Windows that launch my application. So the application user isn't the computer user and isn't the current Mozilla Firefox user : another Mozilla Firefox process is launched by my application.

Is it possible to force the application to be run bu the current computer user ?
I've tried to use the QProcess:: setWorkingDirectory(QString) function to launch the application from it's real directory (in program files), but Windows crashed .

Thanks for your ideas and suggestions !