
Several issues here -- I created QTableWidget with persistent editors (for each cell). When editing user can press [esc] and the cell goes into view mode (the text cursor disappears). Then user can press for example [up] or [down], focus goes accordingly to key pressed and immediately the next cell goes into edit mode.
I didn't this, it is built-in guess. Fiddling with editTriggers does not change a thing.

It is in general quite awkward for me -- I thought persistent editor is a, well, persistent editor, so user can be ONLY in edit mode.

Anyway, questions:
1) is it a better method to intercept [escape] than eventFilter (btw. I just guess eventFilter will help me with it)? I would like to stop going to this view mode

2) how to explicitly go to view mode -- which method should I call?

3) on the other hand, when I am in view mode I would like to stay in it as long as I wish -- so I would like to press [up] twice to go two cells up, so how to maintain view mode?

Thanks in advance for your help.

have a nice day, bye