Is there a way to add a Copy Files Build Phase for Mac Xcode projects using qmake?

I'm still pretty new to Qt and I'm trying to clean up our qmake project file to get things working better on the Mac side. We've got a Framework that needs to be embedded inside our application's bundle ( ). Using Xcode you would add a Copy Files Build Phase for this particular framework and set its destination to the Frameworks folder. Is there any way to do this using qmake?

Right now when I run qmake to create our Xcode project I have to add the Copy Files Build Phase manually every time but I'd much rather automate this so that the Xcode project won't need to be modified after running qmake. Any suggestions on how to do this? I've been searching around trying to figure this out but I can't find any hints as to what to do.


Dave Thorup
Bibble Labs