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Thread: QPixmap -> HICON trouble.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default QPixmap -> HICON trouble.

    Hello All!

    This code (from old tray icon example) creates HICON by QPixmap

    static HICON createIcon( const QPixmap &pm )
    QPixmap maskpm( pm.size() );
    QBitmap mask( pm.size() );
    QPainter p;
    if ( !pm.mask().isNull() )
    maskpm.fill( Qt::black ); // make masked area black
    QPainter mp( &mask );
    p.begin( &mask );
    p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, pm.mask() );
    else maskpm.fill( Qt::color1 );

    p.begin( &maskpm );
    p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm);

    ICONINFO iconInfo;
    iconInfo.fIcon = TRUE;
    HBITMAP hbm;
    iconInfo.hbmMask = hbm = createIconMask(mask);
    iconInfo.hbmColor = maskpm.toWinHBITMAP();

    HICON icon = CreateIconIndirect( &iconInfo );
    iconInfo.hbmMask = hbm = 0;
    return icon;
    static HBITMAP createIconMask( const QPixmap &qp )
    QImage bm = qp.toImage();
    int w = bm.width();
    int h = bm.height();
    int bpl = ((w+15)/16)*2; // bpl, 16 bit alignment
    uchar *bits = new uchar[bpl*h];
    for ( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) memcpy( bits+y*bpl, bm.scanLine(y), bpl );
    HBITMAP hbm = CreateBitmap( w, h, 1, 1, bits );
    delete [] bits;
    return hbm;

    1) Why HICON has black background color?
    2) How to get HICON with transparent background color?
    3) What should I change in this code?

  2. #2

    Default Re: QPixmap -> HICON trouble.

    This worked for me:

    static HICON createIcon( const QPixmap &pm, HBITMAP &hbm )
    QPixmap maskpm(pm);
    QBitmap mask(pm.mask());

    ICONINFO iconInfo;
    iconInfo.fIcon = TRUE;
    iconInfo.hbmMask = createIconMask(mask);
    hbm = iconInfo.hbmMask;
    iconInfo.hbmColor = maskpm.toWinHBITMAP(QPixmap::PremultipliedAlpha);

    return CreateIconIndirect( &iconInfo );

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