Hello Anyone,

Iám using Qt-4.2.2
I have a MainWindow with QStackedWidget.
This is a little example ( there is a bigger program.)
On the stackWidget i have 2 pages.
On page 1 with LineEdits ( name and Adress ) and pushbutton(Next). currentIndex(0)
On page 2 i have also 2 LineEdits ( for typing the name and adress) and also a pushbutton(Back). currentIndex(1);
With the pushbutton(back i can go back to currentIndex(0);
On page 2 i type the name and adress in the lineedits and push the pushbutton(Back).
Now my question is what i type in the lineedits i want to see it back on page 1 in the lineedits is this possible.
Now i see nothing in the lineedits on page 1.

Thanks in advance.