
reStInPeace lets you manage reSt files (reStructuredText documents).
You can view/edit/transform them.

The new version comes with some nice features,

- A brand new TextMate like snippets engine.
- The GUI is now in English.

For those here how are programming an IDE, maybe you can have a look at the snippets implementation.

It has now been developped on a Linux platform, so Linux users won't
have any problems.

- Python > 2.5.1 ;
- PyQt 4;
- docutils svn ;
- Pygments if you want source code highligthing;
- The "DejaVu" fonts;
- Dave's rst2odt if you want have OpenOffice backend.

I'll appreciate any of your comments (not about the name, thanks),
cheers :

Official page (with old version, but with some screenshots) : h**p://kib2.free.fr/reSTinPeace/

To download the latest beta: h**p://kib2.free.fr/reSTinPeace/betas/
