Hello everyone,

I am having problems using the .h and .cpp files generated by the dumpcpp.exe tool. I am writing code that works with third-party type libraries (.tlb). I had initially generated a .h and .cpp for one .tlb, added it to my project and included the header file in my code - it worked perfectly.

Now I've generated .h and .cpp files for another .tlb file and when I include the header in my source, I receive the following compilation error:

Qt Code:
  1. 1>c:\qt\4.2.3\include\activeqt\../../src/activeqt/container/qaxobject.h(58) : error C2248: 'QObject::QObject' : cannot access private member declared in class 'QObject'
  2. 1> c:\qt\4.2.3\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h(275) : see declaration of 'QObject::QObject'
  3. 1> c:\qt\4.2.3\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h(96) : see declaration of 'QObject'
  4. 1> This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'QAxObject::QAxObject(const QAxObject &)'
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Any ideas what could be causing this to happen? Although the compiler output indicates the issue is in qaxobject.h, I'm certain that this is misleading. I'm wondering what kind of error conditions would cause this symptom. FYI I'm using the MSVC8 compiler.

