
I have another question:

I have a connection to a SQL Server using ODBC:
Qt Code:
  1. m_qBD = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC","database1");
  2. m_qBD.setHostName("localhost");
  3. m_qBD.setDatabaseName("SQLServerODBC"); //Name of the ODBC driver that I have created
  4. m_qBD.setUserName("user");
  5. m_qBD.setPassword("passwd");
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The DBServer have 2 Databases ("db1" and "db2").
The "db1" have 2 tables "table1" and "table2".
The "table1" has a filed called "field1".

How I get the information of the "field1"?
My problem is that the connection to the server is done, but don't how to open the Database "db1".
