
I'm having a problem with QTabWidget
O/s is Windows, Development environment VS2005, QT version 4.3.4

I have a QTabWidget called MainNotebook and I'm trying to connect its currentChanged(int index) signal to my private slot void on_PageChange(int new_page);

This is the connect macro:
connect(ui.MainNotebook,SIGNAL(currentChanged()),t his,SLOT(on_PageChange()));

This is the signature of my slot:
void on_PageChange(int new_page);

The problem is simple - my slot doesn't seem to ever be called (I put a break point on it to check this was the case). On the other hand, all the other signal/slot connections work OK.

I'm sure I'm making a really simple mistake here, but I just can't see what!

Can anyone help, please?
