Hi All,

I'm gonna try to explain you what I should make..

The web service provider, showed me an example about how to invoke its web service. The problem for me is that he's using Java and the Apache Axis libraries..

Here's the example provided:
Qt Code:
  1. String request = " here should be the xml request";
  2. String url = " here is the we service provider url";
  3. Service service = new Service();
  4. Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
  5. call.setTargetEndPointAddress(new URL(url));
  6. call.setOperationName(new QName("Anagrafica", "execute")
  7. String response = (String)call.invoke(new Object[] {request});
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"Anagrafica" is the service and "execute" is the method to be invoked..

how can I get the same result using Qt's way??

Thank you in advance,
