
this issue appears in both, qtablewidget and qtableview.

I'd like to enable the user of my application to change the width of the columns by using the horizontal header. That's ok, it does with the default config options.

But if I click on one of the column separator (moving the mouse right-left the width of the column changes), if I move the mouse outside the table, the column gets bigger and bigger, the others continue having the same width so it pushes them outside the table and the disappear. A scrollbar appears and with it you can access to the other columns...

But I'd like to remove the horizontal scrollbar, and then, if the user resizes one column it could make disappear other columns... in most of the applications, when the user makes largers one column by pressing the horizontal header, the others decrease their width in order to fix all the headers in the table.

I hope I explained it well... any idea which combo of options can I use? again searching around the docs and I don't find it :S