Goodday fellow QT'ers, i have searched the forums and internet for my problem but it could not be found.

First of all what i am trying to achieve:
I got a music database where it is needed to store the mp3 file into it, i work with a sqlite database. Everything work fine, i can input the files intp the database as blob and also can grab it out of it, store it into a new file and play it.

But here is what i am trying to do now, when i grab the file from my db i store it in a QByteArray and after put it into an file, but what i want to do is play it directly from that QByteArray wich is possible using QBuffer as i have read in the docs.

i tried this approach but it does not seem to want to work, here is my code:

Qt Code:
  1. QSqlQuery blob = dataBase->getQuery("SELECT id_music, data FROM user_getBlob WHERE (id_music=10)");
  3. QByteArray soundByte = blob.value(1).toByteArray();
  4. QCoreApplication::processEvents();
  5. blob.clear();
  6. soundBuffer = new QBuffer(&soundByte);
  7. QCoreApplication::processEvents();
  8. mediaPlayer->mediaObject->setCurrentSource(soundBuffer);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

if i do this i get the following error:

No combination of filters could be found to render the stream. (0x80040218)

but here is the odd part, the error is written in my native language wich is dutch (i translated it).. and there is the strange part.

so does anyone here know what the problem might be, i know the solution is just to store the bytearray into a file and play the file, but if there is a way to make it work like this it would be much better.

thanx in advance,
