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Thread: Changing the background color of a cell in a QTableView

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
    Qt products

    Question Changing the background color of a cell in a QTableView

    I am trying to figure out how to change the background color of one cell, the changing of the actual text and changing the text alignment is also working correctly, but the background color isn't changing. Any thoughts?

    Qt Code:
    1. QVariant FavoriteSqlModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
    2. {
    3. QVariant value = QSqlQueryModel::data(index, role);
    5. if(index.column() == _statusIdx)
    6. {
    7. int status = value.toInt();
    9. switch(role)
    10. {
    11. case Qt::DisplayRole:
    12. if(value.isValid())
    13. {
    14. switch(status)
    15. {
    16. case 0:
    17. return tr("");
    18. case 1:
    19. return tr("Uncopied");
    20. case 2:
    21. return tr("Modified");
    22. case 3:
    23. return tr("Copied");
    24. }
    25. }
    26. break;
    27. case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
    28. return Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter;
    29. //case Qt::BackgroundColorRole:
    30. case Qt::BackgroundRole:
    31. switch(status)
    32. {
    33. case 0:
    34. case 1:
    35. // use the default
    36. break;
    37. case 2:
    38. return QColor(Qt::yellow);
    39. case 3:
    40. return QColor(Qt::darkGreen);
    41. }
    42. break;
    43. }
    44. }
    46. return value;
    47. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
    Qt products

    Default Re: Changing the background color of a cell in a QTableView

    I figured it out, when the role was the BackgroundRole, I was switching on the background color value, not on the actual value (Qt:isplayRole). After the code gets into the Qt::BackgroundRole, I now do a int stateCode = QSqlQueryModel::data(index, Qt:isplayRole).toInt(); and switch off that, it works GREAT!

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