
I got all excited when I saw this: http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2008...-of-modelview/ then found the source link is broken :-(

I have a QSqlTableModel which is being displayed in a QTreeView. It works nicely.

I want to allow the user to 'groupBy' a particular column, generally a text field.

So as a first stab I wrote a QAbstractProxyModel to just pass things straight thru. I got it largely working except the SQLTableModel implements canFetchMore which I had to muck about with in rowCount and then all my troubles began.

I could share code and get help that way, but before that -- is there a good tutorial anywhere that will help me? I am particularly interested in understanding how createIndex is supposed to work and why it doesn't accept a parent parameter, even tho QModelIndex needs one....

Anyway thanks for any pointers you can give me with this.
