Hello all,
gotta question:
i've started my thread, everything's great. Now I'd like to end it. Calling exit() exits the threads event loop. I assume it does so immediately. But in order to make sure that my thread really has finished, I'll need to do something like the following:
Qt Code:
  1. int BaseDevice::stopThread ()
  2. {
  3. quit();
  4. if(wait ( interval() ))
  5. ;//ok
  6. else{
  7. log("stopThread() timed out", _TIMEOUT_ERROR);
  8. //terminate(); //dangerous
  9. }
  10. return 0;
  11. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Thus I have a function that will wait until run() is finished. Question: does it work that way? That is, does wait() wait for event loop to exit (in which case the above doesn't work) or does it wait for run() to exit?
