
I have some small none qt project (plugin) which should be compile with other big Qt projects.
I wish that running qmake and make in main directory of all projects will build all projects including those which are not using qt at all.
How to achieve this?

I see two possible solutions:
  1. for none qt project create a pro file, which will not add any qt libraries and other dependencies and will handle creation of make file for this project.
    Is it possible?
    Is it enough to create this kind of project file?
    Qt Code:
    1. TEMPLATE = lib
    2. TARGET = myPlugin
    3. QT -= gui core
    5. INCLUDEPATH += .\
    6. other/paths
    7. SOURCES += someSourceFile.c
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
  2. Or maybe is it possible adding in parent project a custom make file.
    In this case how to do it?