Hello Everyone need some help

Having a few problems loading QPSQL

Environment MSVC 2008
QT 4.7.3 open source download binary distribution

First just tried to run the QSQLPSQL4.dll that came with QT
States Failed to load and other drivers are available

So followed the instructions to build libpq.dll and libpq.lib. Those build correctly.

put libpq.dll in binary path of the executable. check the QCoreApplication::LibaryPaths() and all is correct and still does not load driver

So Decided to build QSQLPSQL4.dll

qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:\psql9.0.4\src\include" "INCLUDEPATH+=C:\PSQL9.0.4\src\interfaces\libp q" "LIBS+=C:\PSQL9.0.4\src\interfaces\libpq\Relea se" psql.pro

then run
nmake it fails with

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\PSQL9.0.4\src\interfaces\libpq\Release.obj'

Anybody have any ideas what to try next???