
I m trying to increase the size of an object(rectangle transformed to circle).
My objective is to increase the size of an object using some predefined data in js file. But increment should looks like the object is zoomed from center and not from the lefttop corner.
Below code is incrementing from topleft.
Please suggest how to do it from center.

import QtQuick 1.0
import "simulation_data.js" as Sd

id: myRect;
width: 1000;
height: 1000;
state: "OldState"
id: s0;
width: 20;
height: 20;
color: "red"
radius: 10

x: 250
y: 50

id: s1;
width: 40;
height: 40;
color: "red"
radius: 20
x: 250
y: 200

id: s2;
width: 20;
height: 20;
color: "red"
radius: 10
x: 200
y: 350
id: s3;
width: 20;
height: 20;
color: "red"
radius: 10
x: 300
y: 350
id: start;
width: 60;
height: 40;
color: "red"
radius: 30
x: 250
y: 500

Text {
id: name
text: "Start"
color: "White"
anchors.centerIn: parent;

anchors.fill: parent;
onClicked: {
if (myRect.state == "OldState") myRect.state = "NewState";
else myRect.state = "OldState"


name: "NewState"

//0.000000 0.000000 10.000000 0.000000 0.000000
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 20; color: "green";x:250;y:200 }
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10; color: "green";x:300;y:350 }

//1.000000 0.098023 9.900498 0.000493 0.000986
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.098023*50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.900498; color: "green";x:250;y:200 }
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 50* 0.000493 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 50* 0.000986 + 10; color: "green";x:300;y:350 }

//2.000000 0.192176 9.801986 0.001946 0.003892
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.192176*50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.801986; color: "green";x:250;y:200 }
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.001946 * 50 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.003892 * 50 + 10; color: "green";x:300;y:350 }

//3.000000 0.282582 9.704455 0.004321 0.008642
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.282582 * 50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.704455; color: "green" ;x:250;y:200}
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.004321 * 50 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.008642 * 50 + 10; color: "green" ;x:300;y:350}

//4.000000 0.369357 9.607893 0.007583 0.015167
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.369357 * 50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.607893; color: "green";x:250;y:200 }
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.007583 * 50 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.015167 * 50 + 10; color: "green" ;x:300;y:350}

//5.000000 0.452661 9.512226 0.011704 0.023409
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.452661*50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.512226; color: "green" ;x:250;y:200}
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.011704* 50 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.023409* 50 + 10; color: "green" ;x:300;y:350}

//6.000000 0.532547 9.417414 0.016680 0.033359
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.532547* 50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.417414; color: "green" ;x:250;y:200}
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.016680* 50 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.033359 * 50+ 10; color: "green";x:300;y:350 }

//7.000000 0.609014 9.323457 0.022509 0.045019
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.609014* 50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.323457; color: "green";x:250;y:200 }
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.022509* 50 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.045019* 50 + 10; color: "green";x:300;y:350 }

// 8.000000 0.682063 9.230357 0.029193 0.058387
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.682063* 50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.230357; color: "green";x:250;y:200 }
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.029193* 50 + 10; color: "green";x:200;y:350 }
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.058387* 50 + 10; color: "green";x:300;y:350 }

//9.000000 0.751692 9.138112 0.036732 0.073464
PropertyChanges { target: s0; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 0.751692* 50; color: "green";x:250;y:50;}
PropertyChanges { target: s1; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 10 + 9.138112; color: "green";x:250;y:200 }
PropertyChanges { target: s2; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.036732* 50 + 10; color: "green" ;x:200;y:350}
PropertyChanges { target: s3; width:radius * 2; height: radius * 2; radius: 0.073464* 50 + 10; color: "green";x:300;y:350 }

from: "OldState"; to: "NewState"
PropertyAnimation { properties: "width,height,color,radius"; duration: 10000}
Transition {
from: "NewState"; to: "OldState"
PropertyAnimation { properties: "width,height,color,radius"; duration: 10000}

var sim_data;

var sim_data = new Array(4);

for(var i = 0;i<4;i++)
sim_data[i] = new Array(10);

sim_data[0]= [0.000000,0.098023, 0.192176,0.282582,0.369357,0.452661,
sim_data[1]= [10.000000,9.900498,9.801986,9.704455,9.607893,9.51 2226,
sim_data[2] = [0.000000,0.000493,0.001946,0.004321,0.007583,0.011 704,
sim_data[3]= [0.000000,0.000986,0.003892,0.008642,0.015167 ,0.023409,
0.033359 ,0.045019, 0.058387 , 0.073464];
thanks in advance