
I could not maintain an aspect ratio of 1 during printing (Linux, Qt 4.6.2, Qwt 6.0.1).

I have modified spectrogram/plot.cpp as following :

Plot::Plot (QWidget* parent) : QwtPlot (parent)
d_spectrogram = new QwtPlotSpectrogram ( );
QwtPlotRescaler* rescaler = new QwtPlotRescaler (canvas ( ), QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlotRescaler::fixed);
rescaler->setAspectRatio (1.);
rescaler->setEnabled (true);

This works fine in spectrogram window : when I resize it the aspect ratio is kept. But when I print a stretched spectrogram it takes all space and aspect ratio is significantly different from 1.

Does anyone know whats wrong ?

