Hi all,
I m trying to create 3tables in my SQlite database. I use the following code.
Qt Code:
  1. QSqlQuery query;
  2. query.exec("create table user (UPI int primary key, firstname varchar, lastname varchar, cos int )");
  3. query.exec("insert into person values(380142, 'Danny', 'Young',10)");
  4. query.exec("insert into person values(102222, 'Christine', 'Holand',23)");
  6. //The following requests create the tables, but don't insert the data
  7. query.exec("create table destination (number int primary key,type varchar)");
  8. query.exec("insert into destination values(0022921301074, 'local')");
  9. query.exec("insert into destination values(002217780216, 'international')");
  11. //The requests below gives an error message
  12. query.exec("create table callId (id int primary key, ext int)")/*, day varchar, moment varchar,duree int,transfer int, transferExist bool,cosExist bool, number int, cos int)")*/;
  13. query.exec("insert into callId values(' ', '2011-10-28','17:25',128,3300,'true','false',0022921301074,' ')");
  14. query.exec("insert into callId values(' ', '2011-10-29','00:29',128,' ','false','true',002217780216,10)");
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The error message is "This application has request the Runtime to terminate at an unusual way".

And the debugger show the following message :
Début du débogageASSERT: "idx >= 0 && idx < s" in file ..\..\include/QtCore/../../../../../../ndk_buildrepos/qt-desktop/src/corelib/tools/qvarlengtharray.h, line 107
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
Fin du débogage

Kindly help me;