The following code appears in a custom dialog constructor:
Qt Code:
  1. layout = QVBoxLayout()
  3. watcher = DWatcher(None, DProperties({'value':settings}))
  5. scroller = QScrollArea()
  6. scroller.setWidget(watcher)
  7. layout.addWidget(scroller)
  9. layout2 = QHBoxLayout()
  10. layout2.addWidget(QPushButton('OK'))
  11. layout2.addWidget(QPushButton('Cancel'))
  12. layout.addItem(layout2)
  14. self.setLayout(layout)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
When the dialog appears, there is nothing in the scrollarea. DWatcher has a layout after its constructor exits. If I simply add the DWatcher, it works just like it's supposed to, but it can be really big so I want it in a scrollarea. Any ideas how this might happen?