Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use a Cintiq 24HD screen (multi-touch + stylus tablet) under Ubuntu 12.04. Things work great on Windows 7 so far.
On Ubuntu on the other hand, I'm facing a few difficulties :
Since Qt4 doesn't handle it on Ubuntu, and only returns QMouseEvents, I tried with Qt5. By default, Qt5 had the same behavior as Qt4 on that point.

Following the guide I found there http://guide.x21.ch/2012/12/07/linux-multitouch/, things got a bit better : I now have QTabletEVents ! (tried with both Qt 5.0.0 and 5.1.1 SDKs, with identical results).

This is a good first step, but when I try the FingerPaint example from Qt, as well as my own app, nothing happens (of course, only TouchEvent are handled), and even worse : the app crashes as soon as I use a second finger with the following error : thus I can't use multi-touch.

Qt Code:
  1. 1ASSERT: "dev" in file qxcbconnection_xi2.cpp, line 337
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Multi-touch works on my machine, validated with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/Testing/

Every post i've found about that were posted quite a long time ago, and are the ones that helped me to get where I am now, so I figured there would probably be some changes since that time. I didn't find anything about receiving the wrong QEvent though.
So, is there something I'm missing there ? Is there any ubuntu touch/multitouch support yet ?

Thanks in advance