Dear All,

We are trying to enable the transparency of Webview, to see the background video playback. We could able to acheive the transparency of webview by using below code.

QPalette palette = view->palette();
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent);
view->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);

When transparency is enabled all the html rendering is messed up i.e we are tried simple html by creating a div element and tried to move it on the page, the div is moved to new position but the old position is not cleared. Its like, div is patching all around. But when we disable transparency(removing above code) the div is moving just fine.

Please find the sample HTML and CPP codes are attached as zip file.

Our Platform Details

1. MIPS Platform
2. Qt-4.7.0 with Directfb HW acceleration support.

Please help us on this issue. Thanks In Advance.
