Hello everyone,

I am trying to cross compile qt 4.8.3 from my linux for my windows. The final goal is to build a static qt, but independent of building static or not I always get the same error. Playing around with various flags didn't help either:

Qt Code:
  1. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x18dc): undefined reference to `QGb18030Codec::QGb18030Codec()'
  2. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x18ef): undefined reference to `QGbkCodec::QGbkCodec()'
  3. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x1902): undefined reference to `QGb2312Codec::QGb2312Codec()'
  4. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x1915): undefined reference to `QEucJpCodec::QEucJpCodec()'
  5. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x1928): undefined reference to `QJisCodec::QJisCodec()'
  6. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x193b): undefined reference to `QSjisCodec::QSjisCodec()'
  7. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x1956): undefined reference to `vtable for QEucKrCodec'
  8. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x1971): undefined reference to `vtable for QCP949Codec'
  9. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x198c): undefined reference to `vtable for QBig5Codec'
  10. ./.obj/release-shared/qtextcodec.o:qtextcodec.cpp:(.text+0x19a7): undefined reference to `vtable for QBig5hkscsCodec'
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I'm using the default win32-g++ configuration file in combination with mingw.

I googled quite a bit around, but I have still no idea, where this comes from.. Maybe someone of you has the right hint for me ;-)