Sorry, but I'm bad speak English=)
I use Qt5 and Qt3D module. I created qglsphere object as in example "solarsystem":
Qt Code:
  1. QGLBuilder builder;
  2. QGLSceneNode *root = builder.sceneNode();
  3. QUrl url;
  4. ...
  5. //planetary surface
  6. QGLMaterial *mat2 = new QGLMaterial;
  7. url.setPath(QLatin1String(":/planet.jpg"));
  8. url.setScheme(QLatin1String("file"));
  9. mat2->setTextureUrl(url);
  10. m_LoadedTextures.push_back(mat2->texture());
  11. int planetMat = root->palette()->addMaterial(mat2);
  12. ...
  13. // create the planet
  14. builder.newNode()->setObjectName(QLatin1String("Planet"));
  15. builder<<QGLSphere(0.4);
  16. builder.currentNode()->setMaterialIndex(planetMat);
  17. builder.currentNode()->setEffect(QGL::LitModulateTexture2D);
  18. ...
  19. return builder.finalizedSceneNode();
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

but I can not overlay texture on the part this sphere with any coordinates.
For example, like this

I want get random coordinates and overlay there random square texture (not to the whole sphere).
Сan anyone show an example how to do it?
thanks in advance=)