I know this is a C++ forum, and i'm doing this in python, so if you can at least give me a general idea on how you do this, would be great.
I'm trying to auto select birthday from option list on the website, by using PyQt4.QtWebKit but having trouble doing this.

When I want to select radio button I do this:

Qt Code:
  1. doc = QWebView.page().mainFrame.documentElement()
  2. g = doc.findFirst("input[id=gender]")
  3. g.setAttribute("checked", "true")
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Some text input:

Qt Code:
  1. doc = QWebView.page().mainFrame.documentElement()
  2. s = doc.findFirst("input[id=say_something]")
  3. s.setAttribute("value", "Say Hello To My Little Friends")
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

But How to select month from option list?

Qt Code:
  1. <select tabindex="11" name="birthday_m">
  2. <option value="">---</option>
  3. <option value="1">JAN</option>
  4. <option value="2">FEB</option>
  5. <option value="3">MAR</option>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode