Hello There,

This is a pretty basic question but I am new to Mac OSX. I have downloaded SFML 1.6 for mac and I am currently trying to link the frameworks in it's lib folder to Qt Creator via the .pro file.

Currently, I am using the following code to link the SFML framework(s) to my .pro file:
Qt Code:
  1. INCLUDEPATH = /Users/jimcarter/Desktop/SFML/include
  2. LIBS += -F/Users/jimcarter/Desktop/SFML/lib -framework sfml-graphics
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

However, when I try and compile this, I get the following error: :-1: error: in /Users/jimcarter/Desktop/SFML/lib/sfml-graphics.framework/sfml-graphics, file too small

What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks in Advance,