I'm using ScrollZoomer class from realtime example. I wanted to zoom in and out by pushbuttons, so I made something like:
Qt Code:
  1. QRectF rectangle = m_zoomer->zoomStack().top();
  2. rectangle.adjust(rectangle.width() * 0.1, 0, -(rectangle.width() * 0.1), 0);
  3. m_zoomer->zoom(rectangle);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I only want to zoom in x-direction, so the yAxis to stay untouched. This happens to work fine, but the problem comes up when I try to set yAxis to solid minimum and maximum. I call
Qt Code:
  1. setAxisScale()
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
with good parameters after I attach curves and it looks ok at the first glance. But after hitting any "zoom" button the plot is rescaled and yAxis scale changes. I tried to call setAxisAutoScale(false) for yAxis in the plot constructor, but this makes that after I hit a zoom button, yAxis scale seems to be reseted to min: 0, max: 1000 :/.
It seems like it's a minor problem, but only when one knows where to look for - any ideas?
Thanks in advance