
Some time ago I developed a software that should monitor app's ram memory consumption. Lately I decided to add internal graphs using Qwt and till now everything run fine.

After many tests opening the software inside Qt Creator, I created a installable version usnig Inno and when I try to execute it, a strange message appears:

The procedure entry point _ZN14QWindowSurfaceC2EP7QWidget could not be located in the dynamic link library QtGui4.dll.

This problem is making me unable to use the software outside Qt creator.

A second problem also arrised, now related to Qwt I think:

when I first tried to execute my app, Windows sad that the QtOpenGL4.dll (or something like) was missing. The problem is that while I'm using Qwt to plot a simplw QwtPlot, I'm using nothing of OpenGL. Not sure if one has to do with the other, but in any case, I'm mentioning it.

