Dear All,

I am newbie to Qt and found this forum very helpful whenever stuck in some problems. Today unfortunately i cannot find a suitable and matched answer to my question, so posting here for help.

I have four sliders in my project and i wants to connect them with four respective Bytes of same array.

connect(horizontalSlider_RED, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(set_value_RED(int)));
connect(horizontalSlider_GREEN, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(set_value_GREEN(int)));
connect(horizontalSlider_BLUE, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(set_value_BLUE(int)));
connect(horizontalSlider_WHITE, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(set_value_WHITE(int)));

In the set_value function they will not be processed just passed to another function with some other arguments. In the next function they will be like this

command[3] = value_RED;
command[4] = value_BLUE;
command[5] = value_WHITE;
command[6] = value_GREEN;

If you see in the slider portion of code that i can only send one argument and cannot send 4 argument. Here i want to send the output of 4 sliders simultaneously to the next function (set_value function), so that it will be processed appropriately.

Looking forward for a favorable response.
