
Recently I was using a old version of MinGW, Qt Creator and Qt 4.8.1 to create and compile a .dll in the same format as the one explained in the English Wikipedia article about DLLs (). There was no usage of Qt at all, just C code (using that "extern "C"" thing). This .dll was then load at run time by an application, and everything run happy and fine.

But now I updated by programmer tools (MinGW, QtCreator maybe and Qt to 5.1.0) and although I could compile my .dll all fine, when I run the library at run time two successive errors appear, both of them essentially saying that a given .dll was missing - namely, libstdc++-6.dll and libwinpthread-1.dll. When I included both libs in the same folder where my .dll is located, then once again everything run fine.

My question, then, is: why do I need now to include those files - specially taking in consideration that before such wasn't required? And is there I way by witch I can revert this situation - compiling my lib with the current kit but without having to add those dlls with it?

