
I am new to Qt and for my first project (better: project-in-a-project) I got the hard stuff. I want to create a GUI for a program I wrote, running on the BeagleboneBlack (BBB). The BBB runs Agstrom (Linux) and has not enought storage for the whole QtCreator. I only got a Windows-PC. Now I have several questions:
1) How can I compile a program under Windows, so that it runs under Linux. I read, that you have to build your own crosscompiler, and that it is very much work, isn't there someone who done it once, and is willing to share it with the world, out there?
2) Or also acceptable: If I do the graphics under Windows pure, so that only a few lines are missing to bind it to the rest of the program, can I then just copy the whole project to the BBB, copy&paste the remaining source code, and then compile it under Linux (via qmake for example)? If so, where do I get a qmake for Linux with the needed QtLibrarys (with as little as possible unneeded things (like debugger and alike.. (Yes, I know debugger is awesome, but storage is limited)))?
3) How can I create a .lib file from some .cpp and .hpp files with the QtCreator (or convert a .a file to a .lib file)?
I am glad about every help!
