Is it possible to specify QStrings which are texts containing extended ASCII accented characters, coded as Unicode, and have these correctly rendered when output using qDebug()? Eg., create a QString with the text "Texte en français" as QString("Texte en fran\u00C7ais") and have it show up, say when printed with qDebug(), as "Texte en français".

I know that if I get to the QString using QString::fromLocal8Bit("Texte en français"), it will work--the output text is "Texte en français", and I can use this approach if necessary. I'm just wondering why, if I do QString("Texte en fran\u00C7ais"), it doesn't work--I get an output of "Texte en franÇais" with the à followed by a small square containing what appears to be an 00 87.

Note, this isn't an internationalization situation, where I should be using tr(), lupdate, Qt Linguist, lrelease, and so on. I'm just curious as to whether the thing can be done.