I have two QDockWidgets that occupy the same dock area. I call tabifyDockWidget(widgetX, widgetY), and this then produces two tabs inside of a QTabBar. When i query for the tab bars, i receive a pointer to the tab bar. i verified by setting current index to both values, and had expected results.

however, if i call setMovable(true), the tabs are not movable back and forth.

Is this a side of using a dockwidget to create the tab bar, or do i need to enable another member.

Qt Code:
  1. QList<QTabBar *> tabList = findChildren<QTabBar *>();
  3. QTabBar* sceneGameTabBar = tabList.at(0);
  4. sceneGameTabBar->setCurrentIndex(0);
  5. sceneGameTabBar->setMovable(true);
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