Quote Originally Posted by Santosh Reddy View Post
Here you go, run this code.

I used delegate (because I used standard model) but you could do the similar in the your custom model.

Qt Code:
  1. QModelIndex nextColumnIndex = model->index(index.row(), 1);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Santosh Reddy thanks alot for the code but in custom model its difficult to examine the problem .Your hint for AbstractItemModel::createIndex worked like charm !!! . I have just inserted two line of code in model and few lines of code in my delegate class and work done.

Qt Code:
  1. QModelIndex changeRequest = createIndex(row,4);
  2. setData(changeRequest ,Qt::EditRole);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Above was my modification ,

Thanks again Santosh

Problem Solved (Y)