
the basic problem I was facing is described here

As my work progressed, I faced the need to link 1 producer thread to 3 consumer-threads derived from the same class.

In my Widget Class, the semaphore and buffer are declared as followed (based on the Semaphore example and a single consumer), which worked:

Qt Code:
  1. QStringList threadBuffer[300];
  3. QSemaphore *freeListSlots(300);
  4. QSemaphore *usedListSlots;
  6. Importer *importerThread;
  7. Converter *converterThread1;
  8. Converter *converterThread2;
  9. Converter *converterThread3;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

My idea was, to let thread1 work on buffer[0] to buffer[99], thread2 on buffer[100] to buffer[199] and so on. The thread, that has no accessible data, should block until new data arrives.

My "emergency plan" is, to use a different semaphore for each thread and provide a pointer to it in the consumer-constructor, then acquire and release based on the actual buffer-position. But if there was a nicer way, I'd prefer the alternative
