
I'm trying to create an LED panel that consists of a 96x64 grid of "LEDs" for a total of 6144 items. I plan on updating all of the LED colors every 15ms.

I've added a QGraphicsEllipseItem to the scene for each LED. I've also made the view scale with the window size. The problem I'm having is with the time it takes to change the item colors. The problem gets worse when I maximize the window, which increases the view size and the time it takes for an update.

I've read that having this many items in the scene generally isn't a good idea due to the overhead from the paint call for each item. So I tried creating a custom QGraphicsItem for the entire LED panel, using its paint method to paint all of the LEDs at once, but this didn't help much with the performance.

What would be the best method for having this many items in the scene update every 15ms? Any ideas on how to improve the performance?
