I can't find what i make wrong, but i got always this error:

SqLite error: " Parameter count mismatch" , SqLite error code: -1

I double check everything.

Qt Code:
  1. QSqlQuery query;
  2. query.prepare("INSERT INTO partners (Company, City, Address, Bulstat, VAT, MOL, Phone, Fax, Email, Note, DateCreated )"
  3. "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
  4. query.bindValue(0, company);
  5. query.bindValue(1, city);
  6. query.bindValue(2, address);
  7. query.bindValue(3, bulstat);
  8. query.bindValue(4, vat);
  9. query.bindValue(5, mol);
  10. query.bindValue(6, phone);
  11. query.bindValue(7, fax);
  12. query.bindValue(8, email);
  13. query.bindValue(9, note);
  14. query.bindValue(10, "21-08-2016");
  15. query.exec();
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